For the first time, Yachtlite delivered two illuminated LED letterings for the boom of a catamaran: a Sunreef 80. Yachtlite received the order from ACP Surveyors, Viareggio/Italy. Idea and vision were provided by owner and ACP. The high quality workmanship of the letters, the perfect fitting to the 3D sha-ped boom as well as the light engineering are created by Yachtlite. The letters are equipped with multicolor LED. The high grade stainless steel front has two different gloss levels, a high mirror polished and a glass pearl-blasted one. The experts from Sunreef realised the complicated cable ways running through and within the boom. The result is a smart and elegant light solution that will certainly inspire more sailors to come up with a LED illuminated name.

Yachtlite stands for perfect LED light. In addition to lettering and logos, Yachtlite’s team of experts creates optimal solutions for the unprecedented. Visions become reality. The design is followed by feasibility research, then by subsequent solutions with custom-made lighting controls and installation options. The result is spectacular illuminated pools and dance floors, helicopter decks, stairs and designer furniture. Around 35 % of the top 100 super yachts are equipped with Yachtlite Creative Light Features.
Yachtlite Stefan Wienecke GmbH is member of the working group Deutsche Yachten – Superyacht Germany. This was started in the year 2000 by a number of select German companies that are active in the build and equipping of yachts of more than 30 metres in length. This working group is part of the German Boat and Shipbuilder’s Trade association DBSV (Deutscher Boots- und Schiffbauer-Verband) in which all relevant companies of the German yachting industry are organised. The aim of the group is to promote yacht-building in Germany and inform about the many services and resources that Germany has to offer this industry.
For more information please contact YACHTLITE, c/o Stefan Wienecke GmbH, Dreihornstr. 18, 30659 Hannover, Germany. Telephone + 49 (0) 511 647 40 – 0, Fax: + 49 (0) 511 647 40 – 40. E-Mail:, Internet: