The specialist firm Piening Propeller has cast a pair of new propellers for a 70-metre yacht in-house, keeping up the long tradition of the company with their own foundry. This is also a measure to renew the approval as „foundry of propeller castings” by the classification societies DNV GL and LR EMEA. With a casting capability of 3 tons on their own premises, Piening is capable of delivering ship’s propellers also on short notice. The focus on production and repair services has been the heart of the business since its founding in 1929.

In the beginning (until 1955), the propellers were cast in Neumüster, a town 70 kilometres inland, and then transported to Piening for finishing. Today, Piening is a globally operating company. As expert and ISO certified partners of the commercial shipping and yacht building industries, Piening propellers are internationally recognised for their core values: Reduced noise development, low vibration level and cavitation prevention. First-class production, fast and reliable service and individually specified and produced complete propulsion units including full stern gears have put Piening Propellers at the forefront of highly effective, cutting edge propulsion unit technology.
Otto Piening Schiffspropeller und Wellenanlagen GmbH is founding member of the working group Deutsche Yachten – Superyacht Germany. This was started in the year 2000 by a number of select German companies that are active in the build and equipping of yachts of more than 30 metres in length. This working group is part of the German Boat and Shipbuilder’s Trade association DBSV (Deutscher Boots- und Schiffbauer-Verband) in which all relevant companies of the German yachting industry are organised. The aim of the group is to promote yacht-building in Germany and inform about the many services and resources that Germany has to offer this industry.
For more information on Otto Piening Schiffspropeller und Wellenanlagen GmbH, please contact Mr Mathias Pein, Managing Director, Also available for free publication on request are video clips and a full feature article on the company and its history for print or online magazines. For these, please contact Detlef Jens,